Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Doctrine of Grace

This is one of the greatest doctrines in the Bible to study! None could be wider,none could reach higher, none could go deeper than the infinite Grace of God.

Some great preachers have given various definitions to this subject which are quite interesting to read: For instance C.I. Scofield says, "Grace means unmerited, unrecompensed favor of God." John Calvin said, "Grace is the pure liberality of God." Dr. R.E. Neighbor said, "Grace is the immeasurable and the unmerited favor of God."

Truly it is immeasurable, one cannot even begin to comprehend it. Only when we get to heaven will we really begin to understand it. Charles Spurgeon said, "Grace is something in God which is at the heart of all His redeeming activities, it is God reaching down to touch and grasp our insignificance and poverty."

This is just a few comments I read on the subject and later on maybe I can go into it a little farther. Some of my comments are from other commentaries I have read along with some of the sermons I have been blessed with.


  1. How fun to read your favorite thoughts on such a good subject. I was so surprised to find your post, you're a pro now!

  2. Dad, The grace of God is the best thing in the world since I am in need of it every day. It is great to read what God has shown you in word and in practice since you have extended grace to your five kids and then four more over the years--when we don't deserve it. You are a blessing!
